
December 2018

Welcome to my website cataloging my experiences in Sociology 111: Flourishing — College & Community.

Led by award-winning Professors Sarah Stiles and Carol Day, this life-changing course focuses on equipping college students with the knowledge and skills to not just survive, but thrive, in all areas of their lives, be that physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual; academic, professional, or personal.

I have bookended my Georgetown career with this course. On the recommendation of an upperclassman, I enrolled in this class to fulfill a Liberal Arts Requirement during my Freshman Year. Five semesters later, as I prepare to graduate in the Spring, I have been fortunate enough to return in the capacity of a Peer Mentor for current freshmen.

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit this site. Please, let me know what you think!

jhg67@georgetown.edu | 860-460-2241
